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Increasing WordPress Upload Limit to Accomodate Large Rotator Uploads

On some WordPress installations, the file upload limit may not be large enough to accomodate uploading rotators with many photos or large photos.  If you've already optimized your photos (via the Tools menu in the Rotator Images section) and moved any video files to YouTube, but you still receive a warning message, then the next step is to increase the upload limit on your server.

Please note: If you are a beginner or your site is hosted in a shared hosting environment, it's recommend that you contact your host for assistance with this change.

Recommended Approach: Modify Existing or Create New php.ini File

PHP installations use a special file called php.ini to specify configuration values.  If there is already a php.ini file in your site's root folder, edit that one.  Otherwise, you'll need to create a new one in the root folder.  (Note that some hosting providers require you to use their control panel to modify the php.ini file.)

Once you're editing the php.ini file, add the following values at the end of the file:

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M
memory_limit = 64M

Save the file and try loading a page on your site.  If you receive an error about a server misconfiguration, try changing the 64M value on each line down to 32M and repeat the test.  If everything goes well, you'll now have a much larger upload limit.  Return to the EasyRotator program and try again to deploy your rotator.

If you run into any trouble with this method or the changes aren't being applied, contact your hosting provider.  If you have additional questions after contacting your host, please open a support ticket.

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